Once you setup your Shop in Publisher pro Dashboard.

You can start building your listings.

if you haven’t setup your shop yet click here

Product info

  1. Name your product
  2. 1.Give a description of your product
    1. (this will appear in the below tabs)
  3. 2.Give a short description
    1. (this will appear when product is selected
    2. above add to cart button)
  4. 3.Add category to your product
    1. ( this should be one of the media type options
    2. available on the marketplace)
  5. 4.Add a tag so someone can find you easily.
  6. 5.Add a featured image for your product
    1. ( this will be the main image shown to the roster)
  7. 6.Add gallery images
  8. (all relevant images for the product should be here.

Product Type

  1. Select product type
    1. products can be simple:
      1. Virtual or Downloadable. (Most of products
        1. in our marketplace are virtual)
      2. External/Affiliate product

Product Price

Select product type

  1. Enter Product price:
    1. Enter the regular price as well as
    2. the sale price (so as to be seen in the
    3. marketplace as sale item)
  2. Enter from – to dates for the sale to be available

Available Inventory

  1. Tick Manage stock button:
    1. Enter the stock Qty (how many of the same
      1. products can be sold)
    2. Select back orders Yes or No.
  2. Enter your Low stock Threshold
  3. Or select if you want this product to be sold only
    1. individually

Linked Products

Select what products of your shop consider to be upselling.

Select what products of your shop consider to be cross selling.

Product Attributes

  1. Add Attributes to your product
    1. Audience location: Add attribute and add countries that are origin of audience for the specific product.
    2. Audience type: Add attribute and add type of audience for the specific product.

Importance of Attributes: This is very important since the advertisers

filter their search based on the audience attributes they want to target.


  1. Add Seo title for your product listing
  2. Add a seo description
  3. Add Keywords
  4. Select if you want to allow output of OpenGraph data
  5. Select if you want to allow output of Twitter card