Print Ads for hotels 2022

printed ads

Printed Advertising in Travel print media outlets

Print Ads for hotels 2022 consists of advertisements printed in hard copy publications usually applied in Newspapers, magazines and journals. They are reaching out to consumers, guests and prospect guests.

When you buy an ad in a travel magazine with big circulation, you increase the chances of reaching a wide audience of your target market.

A print ad needs to have a concept. This means that it should include an attractive image and a eye catching title that passes your message to the audience.

During the last years because of the huge increase of online advertising the prices of Print ads has been effected dramatically. Since there is a shift in the expenditure from print to online media.

Printed advertising for hotels & restaurants

The most effective print ads for hotels and restaurants seem to be printed travel magazines which cover mainly travel oriented topics and interests.

However you could still be very successful by buying a print ad in an outlet which is not travel oriented, for example you can have a successful ad on a business magazine, since the prospect guest might see your add while is reading economic news or something that has nothing to do with travel & vacation.

Cost structure of Print ads for hotels

What determines the price of the print ad usually is something of the below factors:

Ad Placement

The placement of the ad which means where your ad will be displayed in the magazine for example cover page or after the table of contents or in the first page of the travel section etc.

Ad Size

The size of the ad for example entire page or half page or double page spread etc.


Also what you are looking for in the magazine it self is the number of prints that the publisher produces, how often the magazine has a new publication so for example is it a monthly or a quarterly or a yearly publication and the number of readers that it has.


Another important factor as well is that some Magazines could be very specialized which would mean that their number of copies could be low, however because they are very focused on a subject this could be a good deal for you since all its readers could be your exact target audience (potential guests)


Last but not list is that sometimes Publications that have not manage to sell all their advertising space, they might be more flexible to sell some space for a discount if they are close to the deadline of the publication.

Sizes of Print ads for hotels

Most popular sizes for print ads are:

Cover Page

Full Page

Double page spread

Double page spread before table of contents

Full Page facing table of contents

Single Page before the theme starts

Inside back cover

Back Cover

Half page

Quarter of page

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